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Available now on Video - Level 3 - Advanced Reiki Training and Master Teacher – Holy Fire III Usui Reiki Certification in Accordance with International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Standards.

OPEN TO ANYONE WHO IS CERTIFIED IN REIKI LEVEL II. Reiki Level II must have been taken at least 6 months in advance of this class. (If taken somewhere other than at The Institute for Continuing Education, we may ask to see your Reiki II certificate.)

This course is NON-CREDIT for all professions. Once you have completed the class, you will be given instructions to schedule your attunement with Downbeach Reiki through the booking page or via email. After your virtual attunement, you will be emailed your certificate of completion and you will be a Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Level 3 - Video Master Teacher Class
